Are you looking for admissions to BYCC Academy?

Welcome to BYCC Academy

BYCC Academy is  Jewish preschool/daycare that provides a quality education for the greater Jewish community in Las Vegas. It is committed to providing a superb nurturing, educational experience to young children in the Jewish community in Las Vegas. Working with their families to facilitate the social, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, and spiritual development of each child. We strive to enable each child to develop a strong Jewish identity, thrive as an individual, respect and appreciate diversity and to be contributing caring knowledgeable members of our community, country, and the world.


The BYCC Academy follows the creative curriculum which includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives within your children’s main categories: social, emotional, physical, cognitive and languages.

A creative curriculum classroom is a community where learning takes place with positive relationships among teachers and peers.


Our Goal is to foster a child’s emotional wellbeing, and problem solving skills though art, music and language. We believe this builds a healthy self-esteem that allows children to interact with their community with curiosity and confidence. By allowing children to explore in a creative and safe space, they learn how to interact with other children and the world around them.


BYCC Academy provides an excellent Judiac program woven seamlessly in the children’s learning day. Chagim, Parsha of the week is celebrated and “live” by the children, Judaism experienced in the most positive way.

Music | Sensory Play | Art | Story Time | Problem Solving | Imagination
